Living Undocu/DACAmented
Learn more about the undocu/DACAmented community, and how you can support through the lens of a formerly undocu/DACAmented community member.
Learn more about the undocu/DACAmented community, and how you can support through the lens of a formerly undocu/DACAmented community member.
A safe space to discuss code switching and imposter syndrome, and how to navigate them.
An introductory conversation about the origins and effects of colorism within the Latinx community in the US and in Latin America.
Presenting at the MENTE Summit: Latino male summit focused on leadership, identity, education, & economic advancement.
Presenting at the International Youth Leadership Conference: the IYLC is an opportunity for students to learn and network with fellow students, educators and community leaders in the Portland area while celebrating the linguistic and cultural assets that our Emergent Bilingual Students bring to Portland Public Schools.